Gently Wash Products Mecline VRT3 Unloader Updated Version
Mecline VRT3 Unloader Updated Version • 10.5 GPM maximum • 3650 PSI maximum • 194°F. maximum • Dual 3/8" FPT inlet • 3/8" FPT OUTLET • Dual 3/8" FPT bypass
Unloader Block
Unloader blocks are a must for remotely mounted unloaders and help a lot in situations like this as well. This allows you to take the load off your pump head. Simply bolt one of these blocks to your frame and run a whip line to the inlet of the block and your unloader in the top port of the block. Even if you’re not mounting an unloader to it, you can thread in quick connects and/or whip lines for a cleaner, and sturdier connection point. It’s 3/8” FPT and comes with mounting bolts.
Gently Wash Products General Pump K-7 Unloader
General Pump K-7 Unloader **CHOOSE YOUR GPM** This unloader has a flow-through design and should be mounted so that there is easy access to the adjusting bolt. A pressure gauge should be installed on either side of the port of the unloader to accurately read pressure during adjustment. A minimum of 5% bypass is required for proper operation. The bypass hose needs to be rated for 300+ PSI to keep from blowing off or bursting. Securing the bypass hose is also recommended so it doesn’t move around when it goes into bypass. Features: 0-3500 PSI Stainless and brass internal parts. Unique balance principle: eliminates high pressure in all lines while unit is in bypass mode. Eliminates pressure peaks normally generated by conventionally designed unloaders. No external moving parts or springs. Maximum Temperature: 165 F. Dual gauge ports. Inlet Port: 3/8" FPT. Outlet Port: 3/8" MPT. Bypass Port: 3/8" MPT.
Gently Wash Products High Flow Pressure Unloader
General Pump High Flow Pressure Unloader DUAL BYPASS - Can be used with multi-gun systems • 21 GPM maximum• 4500 PSI maximum • 200°F. maximum • Dual1/2" FPT inlet • 1/2" FPT outlet • Dual 1/2" FPT bypass • Brass, Stainless Steel, & Buna-N components